Part: 1 : The soloist (2009)
The Soloist (2009) English | HD 1080p | 1920x800 вЂ" 23.976fps вЂ" x264 | DTS 1536 kbps | 8.2 GBGenre: Drama | Biography | MusicIn 2005, the only thing hurting Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez more than his face from a recent bike accident was his pressing need for story ideas. That is when he discovers Nathaniel Ayers, a mentally ill, homeless street musician who possesses extraordinary talent, even through his half-broken instruments. Inspired by his story, Lopez writes an acclaimed series of articles about Ayers and attempts to do more to help both him, and the rest of the underclass of LA have a better life. However, Lopez's good intentions run headlong in the hard realities of the strength of Ayers' personal demons and the larger social injustices facing the homeless. Regardless, Lopez and Ayers must find away to conquer their deepest anxieties and frustrations to hope for a brighter future for both of them.
Part: 2 : Blow (2001)
Blow (2001) English | HD 1080p | 1920x800 вЂ" 23.976fps вЂ" x264 | DTS 1536 kbps | 8.2 GBGenre: Biography | Crime | Drama George Jung is the son of a struggling small business owner. Seeing his family struggle to make ends meet and failing, George vows never to share a similar fate. Moving to California, he starts his own pot pushing operation in which he finds both success and imprisonment. In prison, he meets a cellmate who introduces him into a partnership to the lucrative new market in cocaine. Upon release, George Jung quickly becomes instrumental in establishing the exploding US market for cocaine in which he claimed that he handled about 85% of the supply in the 1970's. However, for all the fabulous wealth and power he gained, the true costs of his dangerously treacherous occupation catch up with him in ways from which he would never recover.