Part: 1 : The burning plain (2008)
The Burning Plain (2008) English | HD 1080p | 1920x800 вЂ" 23.976fps вЂ" x264 | DTS 1536 kbps | 8.2 GBGenre: Drama | Romance A romantic mystery about a woman on the edge who takes an emotional journey back to the defining moment of her life. Sylvia is a beautiful restaurant manager in Portland whose cool...
Part: 2 : The broken (2008)
The Broken (2008) English | HD 1080p | 1920x800 вЂ" 23.976fps вЂ" x264 | DTS 1536 kbps | 6.8 GBGenre: Drama | Horror | Thriller On a busy street in London, Gina, a successful radiologist, thinks she sees herself drive past in her own car. Stunned by this strange event, Gina follows the mystery woman up to her apartment. From here, events take an eerie turn for the worse which leads to a car accident. Soon Gina's awareness slides from solid reality into a world that will haunt more than just her nightmares as she attempts to unravel the mystery where the only clue is a broken mirror.