Part: 1 : 12.rounds.unrated.720p.bluray.x264-infamous
12.Rounds.UNRATED.720p.BluRay.x264-iNFAMOUS #comments Sat, 18 Jul 2009 15:07:33 +0000 okone
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Part: 2 : Imax - the magic of flight
IMAX - The Magic of FlightEnglish | HD 720p | 1280x720 вЂ" 23.976fps вЂ" x264 | AC3 - 384kbps - 48kHz | 900 MB | Genre: DocumentaryFly with the U.S. Navy's elite Blue Angels demonstration squadron in the breathtaking video The Magic of Flight, which explains the basic principles of what enables airplanes (and birds) to fly, what creates lift, how planes maneuver, how planes land again. Going back to the Wright Brothers' experiments at Kitty Hawk, the documentary explores how the intrepid bicycle makers ruminated on the elements of flight for many an hour before even attempting to assemble their first aircraft. The Blue Angels put into action the discoveries made by the Wright Brothers, as they make their selections, train, and perform.