Part: 1 : Sanctuary us - s01e08.hdtv.xvid-fqm
Sanctuary US - S01E08.HDTV.XviD-FQM #comments Sat, 22 Nov 2008 07:14:55 +0000 ionoff
Edward - Will gets a call from one of his old workmates in the police force, Joe Kavanaugh, who asks for his help in a suicide case that he feels is suspicious. A boy called Edward seems to be involved and it later emerges he has an unusual gift - he can draw images from memory at great speed and that are incredibly detailed, almost as if they are photograph’s. Later, OneDDL, Edward’s father is found dead from a suspected suicide but Will and Magnus think much more is going on, and that Edward’s drawings might tell them what they need to know.
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Part: 2 : Stargate atlantis - s05e16.hdtv.xvid-fqm
Stargate Atlantis - S05E16.HDTV.XviD-FQM #comments Sat, 22 Nov 2008 06:05:39 +0000 ionoff
Brain Storm - McKay returns to Earth to witness the unveiling of his rival’s latest breakthrough.
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