Part: 1 : Kath and kim us - s01e06.hdtv.xvid-lol
Kath and Kim US - S01E06.HDTV.XviD-LOL #comments Fri, 14 Nov 2008 06:00:14 +0000 ZiPPER
Desire - Kath is undecided whether she should intervene when she sees how Phil’s best friend treats him. Elsewhere, Craig tries to prove to his friend that he is not whipped because of Kim’s constant requests.
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Part: 2 : 30 rock - s03e03.hdtv.xvid-lol
30 Rock - S03E03.HDTV.XviD-LOL #comments Fri, 14 Nov 2008 05:00:29 +0000 ZiPPER
The One with the Cast of ‘Night Court’ - Liz and Jenna are randomly visited by Claire Harper, a free-spirited, Fatal Attraction-like stalker. Claire first targets Jack and claims him for her own. Kenneth, distressed and disappointed by the new page uniforms, looks to be cheered up by Tracy. To make Kenneth smile again, Tracy gives him a surprise which involves the cast of “Night Court.”
Missed an episode of 30 Rock?
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